DUTIES: The duties of the Parish Council are to provide leadership, direction, resources and encouragement to the apostolic and spiritual development of all parishioners. The Council is chosen by selection from volunteers.
TIME: The Parish Council meets the fourth Tuesday of the month. Besides being members of the Parish Council, members are also assigned to one of the Commissions of the Council. Most members attend a meeting once a month for that commission. Additional time may be needed to plan future projects or events.
Interested parishioners should contact the parish office at 319-372-2127.
We envision our parish as being a united, dynamic and welcoming faith-based community.
Celebrate, live, nuture and pass on the faith.
We PROCLAIM the Gospel in Word, Action and Sacrament
We CELEBRATE the Gospel by:
Meaningful Worship
Fostering Community
Creating a Welcoming Environment
Sharing Eucharist
We LIVE the Gospel by:
Active and Growing Membership
Social Justice
Effective Use of Resources
Monday - Thursday:
8:30 am - 4:00 pm
8:30 am - noon
WeConnect | By LPi