

A Little Background about this History


The stories, photographs and other documents that are accessible through the links below are intended to capture the rich history of the churches that now comprise Holy Family Parish in a way that they can be easily viewed by potential and existing parishioners along with anyone that's curious about the history of Catholics in the Iowa cities of Ft Madison. There is no way for any single document to capture all of the people, struggles, and events that have culminated in the formation of Holy Family Parish, so readers are encouraged to sample a variety of the available information. Interested in the story of the founding of the first St Joseph's church back in 1840 by a pastor who started out with a congregation of 5 families? Read on. Wondering why there is a circular brick pattern in the steeple of what is now Ss. Mary & Joseph Church? Read on. Heard a story about a museum piece being pressed into service to save the foundation of Sacred Heart Church while the church was being built? Read on. 

The struggles and hardships were many, as were the adjustments, changes and joys. Read on.


Links to Historical Information


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