The ministry of Altar Server is open to boys and girls of the Parish in grades 3 (8 years old) and above who show an interest in serving at the altar during Mass and other Parish liturgical celebrations. The primary function of the altar server is to assist the priest during Mass and involves learning the parts of the Mass, assisting the priest (and deacon) as they prepare the Eucharistic Sacrifice, participating in the prayers of the Mass, and in the singing along with the congregation.
Altar Servers are scheduled to serve at Parish Liturgies on weekends and on holy days of obligation. They may be asked to serve at special liturgies (i.e. Confirmation). This commitment involves being at the Church at least 15 minutes prior to the start of a liturgical celebration, and remaining afterwards for 10 minutes or so, to assist in preparing the sanctuary for the next mass.
Training will be provided by Joe Peitz. If you are being called to aid our parish through this ministry, please call the parish office. 319-327-2127.
Monday - Thursday:
8:30 am - 4:00 pm
8:30 am - noon
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