Funeral Planning

Funeral Planning


Dear Families: Please know of our prayers for you as you grieve the loss of a loved one.

Our parish staff is ready to help guide and support you through the Funeral Mass preparation process. We work very closely with local funeral homes to ensure your loved one’s and your family’s wishes are respected.

Following the death of a loved one or parishioner, please contact our Parish Office at 319-372-2127 to schedule a meeting with a priest and walk your family through the Catholic Funeral Liturgy planning process. 

Below you will find helpful resources as you begin the funeral planning process with us:

1. Planning Sheet for Catholic Funerals:

     Please download our planning sheet here to assist in the planning of a Catholic Funeral Mass at Holy Family.

2. Scripture Readings for Catholic Funeral Masses:

    Please download our PDF of the Scripture Readings for a Catholic Funeral Mass here.

2. Hymns for Catholic Funeral Masses:

  The list below is some suggested appropriate music for the different parts of the Mass. The number in parentheses is to reference the
      hymnals at the churches of Holy Family and St. Joseph Parishes. The list also includes a YouTube link to hear the actual song. If you
      would like a song not on the list, or in the hymnal, please talk to the priest prior to the funeral Mass.   

      Please download our PDF of the Hymns for a Catholic Funeral Mass here.

Additional References:

Order of the Catholic Funeral Mass

A very detailed Pre-Planning Guide before death

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