Ministry of Care

Ministry of Care

To volunteer for any of these ministries or for more information,

please contact the parish office at 319-372-2127

  • Prayer Chain

    This is a group of people who pray for the special intentions of those who call in for prayers. You would be contacted by email
    to pray for that person's needs. If you would like to be a part of the prayer chain, please call Diana Menke at 319-372-2559 and she will gladly add you to a list.

  • Prayer Shawl

    The Prayer Shawl Ministry knits and crochets baby and lap afghans.  The ministry meets on Wednesdays at 10:00 a.m. at the parish office, 1013 Avenue E.  The group starts and ends with prayer, and each afghan is prayed over after it is completed.  Anyone can join the ministry, even if you don't know how to knit or crochet. Those in the ministry are willing to teach you. The baby afghans are given to babies baptized in the parish. Lap afghans are given to anyone who is sick or dying. 

  • Greeting Cards

    Cards are sent monthly to our homebound brothers and sisters from the parish. Volunteers send out birthday, holiday, and thinking of you cards.

  • Care Notes

    Care notes are sent to those grieving the loss of an immediate family member. Volunteers send care notes monthly for the first six months, then every other month for the last six months of the first year of loss.

  • Communion Visits

    For parishioners who can no longer attend Mass permanently due to age or disability, or temporarily due to illness, surgery, etc. We take communion to those whowould like to receive Holy Communion at home. A Eucharistic Minister will be assigned and will take Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament as arranged between the communicant and the Eucharistic Minister.  

    Holy Family Parish is also responsible for ministering to those Catholics living in Ft. Madison Care facilities and those admitted to the hospital.  Mass is celebrated once a month at each residential facility.  On the off weeks, a Eucharistic Minister makes Communion visits weekly. For those admitted to the hospital, and who have identified themselves as Catholic, the priest or Eucharistic Minister offers Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament three times a week. 

  • Parish Health Ministry

    Volunteers assist those parishioners who need help with finding medical and end-of-life resources like a doctor, transportation, medical assistance, etc. 

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